Welcome to the OpenExO Learning Hub!

Elevate your learning experience and empower yourself with the knowledge to become a game-changer.

Learning Hub

  • 30+ hours of video content
  • Self-paced courses
  • Digital Certificates on Completion
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

What does ExO the Learning Hub have to offer?

Discover curated videos from past ExO World events, OpenExO live sessions, and our highly-regarded MasterClasses.



Become a member of the OpenExO Community

We recommend starting with premium this allows you to Take our Foundations course and join our weekly networking, plus our biweekly Masterclasses. To really transform your organization a Pro membership will give you access to the Mastermind and advanced learning.

15+ Masterclasses

2+ Live Masterclasses Every Month

Events Calendar, and ExO Resources

Unlock everything for $97/ month!

Check out our Events Calendar and start joining community calls, live MasterClasses and more!

Resource Hub

The document hub within the OpenExO platform is meticulously designed to ensure that users can effortlessly access all the top and relevant items they need to be ExO (Exponential Organization) practitioners and collaborators.

ExO Foundations Certification

Get started by learning the foundations of ExO Model.

The ExO Foundations Certification program consists of four parts. There are 9 videos, a quiz, and assessment, and the completion of an Exponential Quotient Survey


Salim Ismail and Peter Diamandis talk ExO
